Monday, September 30, 2019

Business Ethics Case Study Essay

1. Benji Watson is the type of individual corporations everywhere would be proud to have on their team. New Gen Health Sciences is not his only choice, and I do not believe it would be a wise choice for Benji. The mere fact the Benji is a Liberty University graduate tells New Gen that he values honesty, has strong moral principles and prefers to be ethical in his dealings. These are qualities any corporation would value in their employees, even though the corporate culture of New Gen does not place much value in them. Integrity â€Å"For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required; and of him to whom men entrust much, they will require and demand all the more.† (Luke 12:48 Amplified Bible) God has entrusted Benju with the ability to excel in education. This talent will take him into many places where he will have the chance to show and witness to others just how good God is. If he decides to become a part of New Gen, a company he already knows have integrity issues, he could lose what God originally intended for good. He must â€Å"guard and keep the deposit entrusted to him.† (1Timothy 6:20 Amplified Bible) New Gen is rolling out the red carpet to Benji, showering him with gifts to paint a beautiful picture to hang in a house built of cards. He must guard himself, â€Å"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.† (Matthew 7:15 New International Version) When the CEO displayed his blatant lack of morals, having no regards for the feelings of the mother of the crying infant, or when he called those same customers he cared so much about, fat and lazy, this should tell Benji exactly how he feels about people in general not just customers. As Christians we are supposed to show love and Business Ethics Case Study 2 compassion for others, not just in public but behind closed doors as well. If this is the attitude at the top it will not take long before it flows down to the rest of the employees. Top management tends to set the precedence for the whole company. Honesty â€Å"Factually false statements pervade everyday life. Though allocation between honest error and conscious deception is impossible, social science  supports Mark Twain’s assertion that ‘lying is universal.’† (10 First Amend. L. Rev. 465 2012)). While this may very well be a true statement, Christians should not have lying tongues. If Benji becomes a part of this organization, a lying tongue is exactly what he will have to have to be successful. The recruiter was quite proud of the way the P.R. people had constructed the lies on the website about the company and confident the lawyer would keep the ex-distributors quiet. Should Benji join this team he too will tell these same lies, and the Bible tell us â€Å"One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.† (Luke 16:10 English Standard Version) Once you open the door for the little lie it will not take a lot of convincing to get you to tell one even bigger. If a company finds it so easy to lie to customers will they not also find it easy to lie to employees? Benji will never be able to have real peace about anything they say. It is difficult to make wise decisions when there is a lack of peace in our lives. One bad decision could lead to many more and before you know it your life has become a total wreck. The type of corporate culture New Gen has displayed will buy buildings, buy businesses and buy people. They will use them as long as they are turning a profit, selling their lies, but as soon Business Ethics Case Study 3 as their numbers drop, New Gen will drop them. No future can be built on a stack of lies. Benji should be looking forward to establishing a relationship with a company whose values line up with his. Does Benji really want to be a part of a corporate culture that is all about the amount of money they are making, having little regard for the lives they are touching. John Dobson says, â€Å"Conventional business ethics is being exposed as a ‘naked emperor’: a discipline with no sound conceptual foundation† (Dobson, 2014). As a child of God we should deal ethically with our brothers and sisters. We should build a foundation on how the word of God teaches us to love one another. True brotherly love would not allow us to knowingly mislead other people. By â€Å"keeping our lives from the love of money,† (Hebrews 3:5 English Standard Version), we will not sell out for the temporary pleasure money will bring. As Christians, having a wrong relationship with money will only bring destruction to us. We must let the word of God be the final authority  in our decisions. Benji should build his hopes on things eternal, keeping in mind the â€Å"the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.† (1 Corinthians 6:9) There will be other job opportunities where his values and integrity are not compromised. He should seek God’s best for his life and it is obvious New Gen is not it. They know how business should be conducted, as their promotions claim, but instead they choose to deceive others to get ahead. Benji should stand on what he knows is right and let God reward him. Stern, Nat. Implications of Libel Doctrine for Nondefamotory Falsehoods Under The FirstAmendment. 10 First Amend. L. Rev. 465 (2012). Dobson, J. (n.d.). Virtue Ethics as a Foundation for Busines Ethics: a â€Å"MacIntyre-Based† Criique. . Retrieved June 30, 2014, from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Is college worth it? Essay

In the article, â€Å"Are Colleges Worth the Price of Admission? † by Andrew Hacker and Claudia Dreifus, the authors did research on several colleges around the country to see whether our investment on higher education is really worth the money that we pay for it. The authors believe that universities are the ones responsible for the doubling of tuition costs compared to what they used to be , and not fulfilling the most important objective to student’s which is: â€Å"to challenge the minds of young people† (180). In the article, Hacker and Dreifus outline some things they think would help improve  some of the problems in the college system and a few universities that they like, and tell us why these schools have won their favor. Being an incoming freshman at Grambling State University, I’ve been able to see some of the issues universities can have from budget cuts, to problems with the G- men football team. The main problem I’ve had here were with professors who’ve gotten ahead or above themselves because of their level and tenure. I do agree, however, with Hacker and Dreifus when they said some professors â€Å"have no reasons to improve their teaching† (181). Some of my professors at  Grambling State University are wonderful, were some aren’t as wonderful. Some professors come to class when they get ready, look in their book and write some on the board and talk the whole class time without really teaching us anything. I believe all teachers, no matter what their tenure level is have to remember their main role as a teacher. I agree that it is frustrating if you’re attending a college that expects you to pay a tuition that the college isn’t worth. Hacker and Dreifus reinforce that college is suppose to be a fun journey were you live, get new ideas, and information. In the article â€Å"The New Liberal Arts†, Sanford J. Ungar thinks that a liberal education is what Americans should try to get, not deny. Ungar made 7 points addressing the 7 misconceptions made in his article. The first misconception â€Å"A liberal arts degree is a luxury that most families can no longer afford. â€Å"Career education â€Å"is what we now must focus on† (190). Ungar argues with that misconception by saying jobs are actually looking for people who are educated in liberal arts instead of on specific subject because it produces better broader thinking. The second misconception says  students are having a hard time finding a job because â€Å"who wants to hire somebody with an irrelevant major like Philosophy or French? (191). Ungar quickly argues that not only are liberal art students are having a hard time finding jobs, but everyone else is also because of the failing economy. The third misconception says liberal arts are irrelevant for low-income and first-generation college students. Ungar says,† Its ignorant to think just because a student is first generation don’t mean they can’t receive the same education. † The fourth misconception says that a student should focus on the stem fields because â€Å"that’s where all  the action is† (192). Ungar argues this by saying that sometime the liberal arts take part in the broadcast parts of sciences and mathematics. The fifth misconception says it’s the liberal democrats, who got this country into trouble in recent years. Ungar argues that liberal education really doesn’t have anything to do with politics. The sixth misconception says America is the only country in the world that clings on to old form of post secondary education. Ungar argues this misconception by saying people from other countries are coming to the United States to admire our education like China. Finally the seventh misconception  says that the â€Å"cost of American higher education is spiraling out of control, and liberal-arts colleges are becoming irrelevant because they are unable to register gains in productivity†. Ungar argues this by saying if you choose a small liberal arts school you’ll get more one on one with professors which will lead to more thinking from students. So why does any of this matter? We as college students are putting a lot of money, time, and effort into our education. We should get our money’s worth, and enjoy the experience of it all while we can whether we chose liberal arts major or an S. T. E. M major program. Were not all individuals attending these colleges, but a 1 / 2 generation who all want to make it and be successful in life so it matters! Work Cited: Dreifus, Claudia and Hacker, Andrew. â€Å"Are Colleges worth the Price of Admission? † They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing. 2nd ed. Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel Durst. New York. W. W. Northon, 2012 179-188. Print Sanford J. Ungar. â€Å"The New Liberal Arts† They Say/I Say: The Moves that Matter in Academic Writing. 2nd ed. Ed. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel Durst. New York. W. W. Northon, 2012 190-196. Print POWERED BY TCPDF (WWW. TCPDF. ORG).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The role and value of play Essay

All children and young people need to play. Children’s play is behavior which is freely chosen, self-motivated and personally directed, and the impulse to play is in all of us. Through play the child explores the world and its creative potential, discovering all the while, a flexible range of responses to the challenges, she or he encounters. By playing, the child learns and develops as an individual and as a member of the community – be it at home, the street and area they live in, their school or a holiday play scheme. As such, play is a right, recognised in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – Article 31. Play is essential for children’s physical, emotional and psychological growth, as well as their intellectual, creative and educational development. When children play they build up a sense of identity, self-respect, confidence and their own self-worth. Through playing with others, children build a resource of behavioural techniques to help them navigate complex social worlds including younger children not to feel intimidated by older children. The contemporary environment in which many children grow up is not designed with them in mind, and at times and in some areas provides limited opportunities for safe and creative play. Increasing traffic due to continuous property development, parental fears of strangers and lack of open spaces all restrict children’s play outdoors, but by providing and protecting play-rich environments for children we can counteract these limitations. Much has been written on the subject of play and there is visibility in legislation and guidance for professionals: – Stuart Brown, founder of the National Institute for Play, has said that â€Å"play is anything that spontaneously is done for its own sake†¦appears purposeless, produces pleasure and joy, leads one to the next stage of mastery† (as cited in Tippett, July 2008; italics added). – Edward Miller and Joan Almon describe play as â€Å"activities that are freely chosen and directed by children and arise from intrinsic motivation† (2009, p15). – Jeannine Ouellette refers to play as â€Å"activity that is unencumbered by adult direction, and does not depend on manufactured items or rules imposed by someone other than the kids themselves† (Ouellette, 2007, para13). – â€Å"The main characteristic of play – child or adult – is not its content, but its mode. Play is an approach to  action, not a form of activity.† Jerome Bruner, quoted in Moyles (1989) – â€Å"From an early age, play is important to a child’s development and learning. It isn’t just physical. It can involve cognitive, imaginative, creative, emotional and social aspects. It is the main way most children express their impulse to explore, experiment and understand. Children of all ages play.† (Dobson, 2004, p8) In June 2010 the coalition government set up a Childhood and families taskforce, Nick Clegg, Deputy prime minister said in his opening speech, â€Å"For too many British children, childhood has become a time of stress, anxiety and insecurity, when it should be a time of discovery, learning and adventure. My purpose in politics – and the job of this coalition government – is to change that, to live up to our responsibility and lay the foundations for better lives for our children.† At the launch of the revised EYFS, published March 2012, following the Tickell review, we were once again reminded that â€Å"play is essential for children’s development.† When children play, they are actively engaged in activities they have freely chosen; that is, they are self-directed and motivated from within. â€Å"Best Play† starts with a definition of play and with a set of values and principles. Both the definition and the values and principles are well recognised within the play work profession, (though they can be expressed in slightly different ways, for instance they can be found in the National Occupational Standards for National Vocational Qualifications in Play work and in the New Charter for Children’s Play (Children’s Play Council 1998), though perhaps less so outside it. It then looks at evidence and arguments about the role of play in child development and the consequences of a lack of good play opportunities. â€Å"Play is freely chosen, personally directed, intrinsically motivated behavior that actively engages the child†. This definition draws closely on the work of Bob Hughes and Frank King. Children choosing what they want to do, why and how they want to do it then when to stop and try something else is the simplistic breakdown of the definition. Free play has no external goals set by adults and has no adult  imposed curriculum. Although adults usually provide the space and resources for free play and might be involved, the child takes the lead and the adults respond to cues from the child. When children can pursue play under their own impulse and initiative, they are able to: Practice decision-making skills Discover their own interests Engage fully in what they want to pursue Develop creative problem solving skills Practice skills in resolving conflicts Develop self-regulation Develop trust, empathy, and social skills Develop language and communication skills Use their creativity and imagination Develop skills for critical thinking and leadership Analyse and reflect on their experiences Reduce stress in their everyday lives However, there is a growing consensus about some of the possible implications of play deprivation, based on reasonable assumptions about the role of personal experience and self-directed activity in the development of a range of competences. Depending on the types of play opportunity that are lacking, children could be affected in the following ways: Poorer ability in motor tasks Lower levels of physical activity Poorer ability to deal with stressful or traumatic situations and events Poorer ability to assess and manage risk Poorer social skills, leading to difficulties in negotiating social situations such as dealing with conflict and cultural difference Every child is different and will play in their way. As an adult and the manager of the After School Club (ASC) I need to recognise the impact that myself and co workers have on a child’s play opportunities. Throughout the session I take time to observe, consult, plan, and participate in play knowing the great potential for learning that play offers – developing skills and abilities, providing opportunities to co-operate, developing  friendships, taking turns, resolving conflicts and solving problems, and developing knowledge and understanding of the world. While children will sometimes need support, it should be recognised that they will often benefit from opportunities to play without adult supervision. Therefore we, the play workers, must understand the impact we have, giving consideration to the differences of each child including behaviors. Bob Hughes (2006), a playworker and play theorist, has identified sixteen play types, including creative, dramatic, explorat ory, fantasy, locomotor, mastery, object , role, rough and tumble, social, socio-dramatic, symbolic, deep (extremely risky) and recapitulative (ritual) play. Their very description indicates a relevance to the social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional development. Snapshots of play at ASC: Eddie and Eleanor are playing a new game – Mancala. Eleanor was pleased to discover the game in the cupboard and is teaching Eddie as she has the game at home, she told Eddie how she loves playing it with her Dad. Eleanor explains the rules and object of the game, they play repeatedly, both enjoying the competitiveness. George, Robert and Calum have built a play scene on the wooden piano using the play animals, a piece of camouflage material and wooden tree pieces. They have built dens for their animals at different levels and then use blocks and vehicles they have made from lego to destroy the animal’s dens. The tigers dens is last to be destroyed says Calum â€Å"they are the fiercest animals and will fight you really hard to protect their home† â€Å"Foxes are fierce, said Robert, they ate my rabbit.† Libby, Evie and Katie asked to share a dance they had learnt at school today. Mrs. Colucci found the CD player for them to use. They had fun performing their routine to an audience and added props and different costumes to wear as they repeated their performances. They add a new piece to the end and are going to show that to their teacher tomorrow. Dylan and Alfie are playing with the cars, lining them up to move around the mat to get to the garage. Toby, Sam and Ben are building a ramp over the garage for the cars to be able to loop the loop and fly through the air! In summary – Play can be fun, challenging and enjoyable for both adults and children. By helping children to take part in different types of play on  their own and with others, and by providing a well-resourced play environment inside and outside, adults can greatly enrich the learning opportunities that play provides. â€Å"Play is the answer to how anything new comes about.† Jean Piaget REFERENCES FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES EVERY CHILD MATTERS, THE 5 OUTCOMES AND THE UNCRC NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PLAYWORK PLAY ENGLAND – MAKING IT HAPPEN, IMPLEMENTING THE CHARTER FOR CHILDRENS PLAY PLAY ENGLAND – PLAY, NATURALLY – A REVIEW OF CHILDRENS NATURAL PLAY PLAYWORK PRINCIPLES. SKILLS ACTIVE PLAYWORK SECTOR / EYFS BRIEFING DOCUMENT Play, naturally A review of children’s natural play Stuart Lester and Martin Whilst researching material for writing this essay I enjoyed reading the following publication. Their suggested reading list is one I will work my way through to continue to extend my knowledge on this subject. A guide to child-led play and its importance for thinking and learning Playing to learn A publication commissioned by ATL from Di Chilvers Recommended reading list from the publication Broadhead, P. (2004). Early Years Play and Learning – Developing Social Skills and Cooperation. RoutledgeFalmer. Broadhead, P. (ed.) (2010). Play and Learning in the Early Years. Sage. Bruce, T. (1987). Early Childhood Education. Hodder and Stoughton. Bruce, T. (1991). Time to Play in Early Childhood Education. Hodder and Stoughton. Bruce, T. (2001). Learning Through Play: Babies, Toddlers and the Foundation Years. Hodder and Stoughton. Bruce, T. (ed.) (2006). Early Childhood – A Guide for Students. Sage. Lindon, J. (2001). Understanding Children’s Play. Nelson Thornes. Manning, K. & Sharp. A. (1977). Structuring Play in the Early Years at School. Ward Lock Educational. Moyles, J. (1989). Just Playing? The Role and Status of Play in Early Childhood Education. Open University Press. Moyles, J. (ed.) 1994. The Excellence of Play. Open University Press. Project Zero. (2001). Making Learning Visible – Children as Individual and Group Learners. Reggio Children. Siraj-Blatchford, I. et al. (2002). Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years. Department for Education and Skills and the Institute of Education. Research Report 356.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Comparing the Relationship between Man & Gods(s) in Genesis & Odyssey Essay

Comparing the Relationship between Man & Gods(s) in Genesis & Odyssey - Essay Example The different translations do not make me look at the passage differently. There is certain sentence and word variations but the man ideas are all the same. The point of the passage was clearly shown in all three translations. My first impression is that Abraham is a very loyal individual to the Lord. When your willing to sacrifice your only son to the lord it’s clearly shown that you are faithful. My feelings of sorrow goes to Isaac, I can’t imagine what must have been going through his head when his father Abraham had him tied down and was about to kill him with a knife. He probably felt hopeless, confused, and scared at the same time. The only life experience I can think of that relates to his passage his the time my dog had to be put to sleep. My dog was my best Pal and for somebody to say she had to be put to sleep for her own good was in a sense a sacrifice for me that I didn’t want to go through. Checking the context before your passage and after your passage is helpful in understanding the passage. There is a relationship in an earlier passage Genesis 21. Ismael Abraham’s child was let go by the lord leading onto Abraham’s test in Genesis 22 with the sacrifice of Isaac. The NOAB refers to the literature as a story from a narrative point of view. The words and expressions of the passage in all 3 translations are clear to understand. The footnotes in the NOAB are much more in detail than the NJB. The NOAB footnotes are very vivid in looking into his future. For example verse 5 in NOAB ‘Abraham’s promise that he and Isaac will return’ may suggest a faith that God will work out and alternate sacrifice’. The author’s concerns are to inform the reader to the extent that we have to follow the lord, willing to give up something of great value to glorify him. Important words that the author used was the word tested. It shows this was a test exclusively

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Description Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Description Assignment - Essay Example Professor Earle’s book is based on the assumption that the field of engineering makes use of a form of expression no less special than that of the lawyer, the novelist or the poet. The purpose of the primary text is to focus on how to achieve a readable style. The author assumes that, without the knowledge he prescribes, no one would really be interested in reading anything you write. It is only through learning the knowledge in the book that readers will be attracted to your writing. The second text gives us a more conceptual background on what technical writing is all about and how it differs from general writing. Throughout the text, Professor Earle emphasizes the succinctness of technical writing so that engineers can reach the best results without much waste of time. Both of the books discuss the requirements of technical writing and list some of the important characteristic of technical writing. At the introductory chapter, both books attempt to explicate how technical writing (expository) differs from the general writing. In the first book by Tebeux and Dragga, they listed four important specialties. These included the requisite awareness that legal liabilities might arise due to the content of the documents or that the documents might be read by unknown readers who might be interested in the organizations. Besides, the writing should achieve the intended job goals by a wide variety of readers who might be having completely different perspectives from the writer. In addition, they emphasize that a good technical paper should have the following qualities: accuracy, clarity, conciseness, readability, usability, and correctness. Professor Earle also elucidates the occasions when it may be necessary to apply the technical writing. Unlike what we did at school, there is actually no force to demand for people to write something. Technical writing,

British Petroleum Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

British Petroleum Company - Assignment Example This paper highlights that Shareholders and owners of BP have the major influence on other stakeholders and business. The cost cutting process may also be a direct result of their emphasis on reducing expenses so that profitability could be improved. Managers are the people who have been trusted with the responsibility of managing the day to day affairs of the firm. Managers of BP are persons responsible for ensuring that the manufacturing facilities at its exploration facility are in conducive form and do not pose any threat to the life of labors or others. Managers interact with the business on daily basis because managing the business is their day to day job. They also interact with other stakeholders through annual general meetings, board meetings as well as interacting with government agencies. The decisions of the managers directly affect the business and the managers as in this case. Managers decided to cost cut and reduce the expenses however; this has resulted into the significant risk issues for the firm. From this paper it is clear that employees are the individuals who work for the organization against certain wages. Employees for BP are the people who work at its exploration facilities and were hurt in different incidents due to security and risk lapses. Business partners of the firm are those firms or individuals who do business with the firm i.e. suppliers of raw material as well other material. Business partners of BP are American government, different other suppliers who have provided it resources to extract the oil from its Texas oilfield. They can influence the business and other stakeholders to the extent of their involvement in the overall affairs of the firms. In terms of safety and risk, business partners can only be limited to the installation and maintenance services provided by them.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

New Restaurant in Summerlin Area, Las Vegas Term Paper - 2

New Restaurant in Summerlin Area, Las Vegas - Term Paper Example The strength of the project lies in its concept. At the same time, the promoter has limited experience in the field. This need not be considered as a drawback, because he is backed up by his family which has rich experience in the business for more than a decade. The various communities in the area need changes and varieties in restaurants in tune with the changing lifestyles. The business in a niche market segment with limited competition has the potential to grow in the long run with a chain of restaurants of the same type. However, unless the company establishes its quality and service levels within a year, other existing companies in the restaurant sector will encroach into this segment. The main objective is to provide a different restaurant experience to the clients by providing quality food which differs in taste and flavor compared to the food provided by others. To make the service more efficient, online booking and door delivery system will be put in place. This is also expected to reduce the crowd level within the restaurant. Providing food at a reasonable price needs a cost-effective procurement policy. Maintaining the highest level of standards and efficiency in operations to achieve the above objectives and build-up reputation, in the long run, are the overall objectives.  The strategic management decision involves selection of a suitable location and a building for the restaurant based on various factors such as the size of the building, approach roads, and parking area.   The interior work and other infrastructure facilities for kitchen, dining halls, and reception should be made within 3 months to prevent others from pursuing the same idea. Arrangements will be made for procurement from the established suppliers who are already supplying to similar restaurants in other cities.   Thereafter, the establishment of an online and door delivery system should be undertaken.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Processes of manufacturing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Processes of manufacturing - Assignment Example 3. In casting, the grain structures are not aligned parallel to one another, but are random in alignment. In forming, the grains are aligned to one direction and are closely packed, which impacts greater strength. 4. Forging techniques used are open forging that involves heating the material and hammering it on an anvil; drop forging which involves forging material in a die using a hammer or impacting force; press forging, which involves the use of pressure to force materials into a die; roll forging, which requires the use of rollers and cold forging, which is best suited for smaller objects and involves extrusion through a die. 8. Pipe forming may be achieved through ram style bending, which involves resting the pipe at two internal points and having a rim pressing on the central axis to deform. Rotary draw bending involves drawing the pipe through stationery counter die into the required radius. Ring roll bending involves bending pipes to a large radius or circumferences. 4. Machines for bending angles include rotary-draw for tubes and pipes, push-roll machines, which accommodate roll formed and rotary –draw bends in a single operation and compression machines for heavy materials. 8. Deep drawing involves a work piece deforming in a larger dimension than its diameter. In shallow drawing, the depth of draw is much less than the smallest measurement of the opening. In flexible die, a flexible material replaces one of the dies. The method involves the use of materials such as rubber as the flexible material. 1. Injection and extrusion moulding used for small items, vacuum forming used to form thin sheets of plastic, press forming which uses positive and negative moulds with a plastic sheet between and blow moulding for bottles. 4. Advantages. It involves high speeds production, versatile in producing a wide range of products, good dimensional stability. Disadvantages. Delicate to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Lyric Explication - Patsy Cline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lyric Explication - Patsy Cline - Essay Example simile: scan: theme: The main theme of the lyric is the speaker's memory of his lost love and he is in all praise for her love. plot: The speaker is remembering the love of his one-time-beloved who has left only the memories. He finds several indications of her love for him and he is clear that only the memories of the woman remain. comment: The speaker is very passionate in his words and expresses his memory of the lost love. According to him, he has got only the memories of those good old days. The symbols that he uses as the signs or indications of his lost love are able to convey the man's feeling. It is truly a passionate relation that he has lost. Lyric Explication of "She's Got You" - Patsy Cline One of the most famous pop lyrics, "She's Got You" by Hank Cochran has been very strong in presenting the memory of a lost love. As predicted, it came to be a great hit when Patsy Cline first recorded and released in 1962. As she listened to the lyrics, Patsy was emotionally motivated by the power of the lyrics. She was sure about the quality of the lyrics and decided to approach it seriously. She recorded it at the next session. Significantly, there was profound agreement between Cline and her producer about a potential hit from the lyric. An explication of the lyric clarifies why Cline was greatly convinced about the potential of the lyric to become a success. There is a powerful theme running through the lyric and the lyricist has been able to make use of the best techniques to give the maximum effect to the lines. The verse speaks in volume about the feeling of love and the speaker in the lyric is extremely passionate in his voice when expressing his emotion on his lost love. A l yric explication of "She's Got You" substantiates...The symbols that he uses as the signs or indications of his lost love are able to convey the man's feeling. It is truly a passionate relation that he has lost. One of the most famous pop lyrics, "She's Got You" by Hank Cochran has been very strong in presenting the memory of a lost love. As predicted, it came to be a great hit when Patsy Cline first recorded and released in 1962. As she listened to the lyrics, Patsy was emotionally motivated by the power of the lyrics. She was sure about the quality of the lyrics and decided to approach it seriously. She recorded it at the next session. Significantly, there was profound agreement between Cline and her producer about a potential hit from the lyric. An explication of the lyric clarifies why Cline was greatly convinced about the potential of the lyric to become a success. There is a powerful theme running through the lyric and the lyricist has been able to make use of the best techniques to give the maximum effect to the lines. The verse speaks in volume about the feeling of love and the speaker in the lyric is extremely passionate in his voice when expressing his emotion on his lost love. A lyric explication of "She's Got You" substantiates the beauty of these lines and the importance of the lyrical techniques. The speaker's sweet memories of his beloved are presented by the lyricist in the most ef

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Montage and New Wave Film Essay Example for Free

Montage and New Wave Film Essay The differences between soviet montage and French new wave cinema are interesting and many. Both genres of film seek to create contrast between adjacent shots via discontinuity editing, but subtle differences in their editing styles allow this contrast to produce very different results. In French new wave editing is used to both draw the audience in, and push them away, it draws the audiences attention and inspires distaste. Soviet montage on the other hand uses editing not as a method of controlling the audiences focus, but as a way to create ideas. An analysis of the editing in the Godards â€Å"Breathless† and Eisensteins â€Å"Battleship Potemkin† will highlight these different effects. In â€Å"Breathless†, the first use of editing to keep the audiences attention is in the scene where Micheal shoots the cop. In this scene Goddard makes use of editing to twist and distort time. The audience hears the cop tell Micheal â€Å"Stop, or ill kill you† in a calm voice at nearly the same time that Micheal cocks the gun. Immediately thereafter we jump cut to Micheal firing the gun and jump cut again to the police office falling to the ground as he is shot. From a narrative point of view it is understood that these events do not take place so close to each other. The events happen in much too quick a succession to mimic reality. The jump cuts elapse time in an odd uncomfortable manner. It can be argued that this is jarring, and distasteful, but it is exactly this jarring and distaste that makes this scene so fascinating. Rushing through the event which is clearly the inciting action of the film (flying in the face of CHC) yields a certain fascination with this scene that typical CHC could not hope to match. An effect similar to the one described above is present in the scene where Micheal and Patricia track down Micheals money in the taxi. This exemplifies the use of new wave editing to focus the audiences attention on the visual. In this scene, the visual difference between shots is minimal. If one were to imagine it without the jump cuts it would be long and monolithic but the prolific use of jump cuts counters this would-be-dullness. Once again the jump cuts elapse time and quickens the pace of the scene artificially. The audience hears Micheal barking orders at the drive in succession that is faster that he speaks in the story, and they understand that this artificial fast precisely because of the jump cuts and he obviousness in which they are presented. In this way Goddard is able to present a potentially long and dull car ride in the story much faster in the plot. Unlike the previously discussed scene, this scene does not quicken the pace past the point of comfort, it is intentionally fast paced and helps to excite the audience. First lets take the Odessa Steps scene from â€Å"Battleship Potemkin†. This scene feels almost as if it is a CHC film. Shots are spliced together smoothly and invisibly. The audience is never jarred by

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Microprocessor based water level controller

Microprocessor based water level controller Microprocessor: The processor is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program and is the primary element carrying out the computers function. The form, design and implementation of CPUs have changed but their fundamental operation remains the same. The microprocessor contains all the central processing unit (CPU) functions and is the ‘engine that goes into motion when you turn your computer on. The microprocessor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations that make use of small number holding areas called registers.The diagram of microprocessor is given as under: Also microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable, clock-driven, register based electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data as input and processes data according to those instructions and provides as output. A microprocessor incorporates most or all of the functions of a central processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC). The first microprocessors emerged in the early 1970s and were used for electronic calculators, using binary-coded decimal arithmetic on 4-bit words. Other embedded uses of 4- and 8-bit microprocessors, such as terminals, printers, various kinds of automation etc, followed rather quickly. Affordable 8-bit microprocessors with 16-bit addressing also led to the first general purpose microcomputers in the mid-1970s.The most reliable circuit is water level Controller circuit which takes the task of indicating and Controlling the water level in the overhead water tanks. The LED Bar graph is use d for displaying the water level.The water level is sensed with the help of copper probes. The probes which have to be monitored are inserted into the water tank.This water-level Controller circuit is configured around the well-known 8 bit Microprocessor 8085. It continuously monitors the overhead water level and display it and also switch ‘off† the motor when the tank fills and it will automatically switch On the Motor when the water level is low. The Microprocessor will also indicate the water level over the LED display. All the input and output functions are done through the Programmable Peripheral Interface IC 8255. Product Categories for water level controller: Liquid Level Switches Liquid Level Sensors Level Sensors Level controllers Water Quality testing instruments Level Guages Ph controlllers Introduction to Water Level Controller: In most houses,water is first stored in an underground tank (UGT) and from there it is pumped up to the overhead tank (OHT) located on the roof. People generally switch on the pump when their taps go dry and switch off the pump when the overhead tank starts overflowing. This results in the unnecessary wastage and sometimes non-availability of water in the case of emergency. The simple circuit presented here makes this system automatic, i.e. it switches on the pump when the water level in the overhead tank goes low and switches it off as soon as the water level reaches a pre-determined level. It also prevents ‘dry run of the pump in case the level in the underground tank goes below the suction level. In the figure, the common probes connecting the underground tank and the overhead tank to +9V supply are marked ‘C. The other probe in underground tank, which is slightly above the ‘dry run level, is marked ‘S. The low-level and high-level probes in the overhead tank are marked ‘L and ‘H, respectively. When there is enough water in the underground tank, probes C and S are connected through water. As a result, transistor T1 gets forward biased and starts conducting. This, in turn, switches transistor T2 on. Initially, when the overhead tank is empty, transistors T3 and T5 are in cut-off state and hence pnp transistors T4 and T6 get forward biased via resistors R5 and R6, respectively. As all series-connected transistors T2, T4, and T6 are forward biased, they conduct to energise relay RL1 (which is also connected in series with transistors T2, T4, and T6). Thus the supply to the pump motor gets completed via the lower set of relay contacts (assuming that switch S2 is on) and the pump starts filling the overhead tank. Once the relay has energised, transistor T6 is bypassed via the upper set of contacts of the relay. As soon as the water level touches probe L in the overhead tank, transistor T5 gets forward biased and starts conducting. This, in turn, reverse biases transistor T6, which then cuts off. But since transistor T6 is bypassed through the relay contacts, the pump continues to run. The level of water continues to rise. When the water leve l touches probe H, transistor T3 gets forward biased and starts conducting. This causes reverse biasing of transistor T4 and it gets cut off. As a result, the relay de-energises and the pump stops. Transistors T4 and T6 will be turned on again only when the water level drops below the position of L probe. Presets VR1, VR2, and VR3 are to be adjusted in such a way that transistors T1, T3, and T5 are turned on when the water level touches probe pairs C-S, C-H, and C-L, respectively. Resistor R4 ensures that transistor T2 is ‘off in the absence of any base voltage. Similarly, resistors R5 and R6 ensure that transistors T4 and T6 are ‘on in the absence of any base voltage. Switches S1 and S2 can be used to switch on and switch off, respectively, the pump manually.You can make and install probes on your own as per the requirement and facilities available. However, we are describing here how the probes were made for this prototype. The author used a piece of non-metallic condu it pipe (generally used for domestic wiring) slightly longer than the depth of the overhead tank. The common wire C goes up to the end of the pipe through the conduit. The wire for probes L and H goes along with the conduit from the outside and enters the conduit through two small holes bored into it as shown in Fig. 2.Care has to be taken to ensure that probes H and L do not touch wire C directly. Insulation of wires is to be removed from the points shown. The same arrangement can be followed for the underground tank also. To avoid any false triggering due to interference, a shielded wire may be used. The Water Level Controller System is an Electronic Equipment which when electrically connected to the starter of any given Pump-set motor will control the operation of the pumpset depending upon the water level in the Source and Destination Storage Tanks. Advanced Automatic â€Å"WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER† unit Manufactured by M.V.Instruments is a Microprocessor based Electronic Device. This system when electrically connected to an Pumpset starter, performs the following functions automatically: Switches ON the Pump set when Water level drops below pre-set level (i.e. T2 level) in Overhead Tank. Switches OFF the Pump set when Water level in Overhead Tank becomes full (i.e. T1 level). Switches OFF the Pump set when Water level is low in Sump/Well/Borewell (i.e. S2 level). Switches ON the Pump set when there is sufficient water in the Sump/ Well / Borewell (i.e. S1 level). Switches OFF the Pump set when there is a Dry run (i.e. when Water is not being pumped into Overhead Tank due to any reason). Low Voltage and High Voltage Protection for the Pump set is incorporated. The system has Surge Voltage/Current Protection for the Pump set. All these functions are automatically performed. Manual interference is absolutely not required. Manual operation is also possible if and when required by operating the switch in Manual Position. Paragon Water Filters use a unique 5-Stage filtration system that combines the cleaning capabilities of Activated Carbon with the new technology of KDF-55: The first stage consists of a micron filter locked into place, preventing water from forming paths or channels along the sides of the unit. Once the first micron filter has removed any large particles, the water goes through a series of chambers FIVE STAGES IN ALL. The media filtration process begins with KDF-55, which uses an electrochemical process to reduce Chlorine and improve taste and odor. Water passes through progressively finer micron filters as it travels through the unit, to assure removal of particles and to separate the media so that they operate at maximum effectiveness. The final chamber contains the highest quality Granular Activated Carbon. Water tastes best when aerated with carbon, so this final stage assures that you water is as refreshing as it is clear. Principle: The Autonics Water Level Modulating controlsystem is a single element Electro-pneumaticcontrol with a pneumatic Positioner and PID/Fuzzysystem. The system comprises a Transmitter,converter module, float chamber, a feedline-modulating control valve and an electronic microprocessor based PID/FUZZY controller. Pid Fuzzy Level Controller: Description: The Autonic Water Level Modulating control system is a single element Electro-pneumatic control with apositioner and PID auto tuning system. i) A Level Transmitter with double-float chamber is mounted on the boiler shell, fitted with a coil which can be make according to the requirement. ii) A flanged mount fully stainless steel Control valve, fitted with a positioner and pneumatic actuator, which is mounted in the boiler feedline. iii) A microprocessor-based PID/FUZZY Level controller is mounted on the control panel. iv) An electronic Converter module is also mounted on the control panel. Operation: A positive change of water level in the boiler alters the level transmitter inductance value of coil causing an imbalance in the system. This signal is transmitted through the electronic control box and connected to PID controller. Then the microprocessor-based PID level controller transmitted anelectrical signal to the pneumatic positioner to position and adjusts the position of control valve. A additional low/high water level alarm or burner cut out contact are also provided in the microprocessor-based level controller with the adjustable setting position. Installation note: The water connection from the boiler to the float chamber should be, as short as possible and the level transmitter float chamber should be mounted close to gauge glasses. If required our technical staff will advice on individual installations. Important notice: Electronic level module and level controller must not be subjected to either vibration or excessive temperature. It is therefore recommended that they be not mounted directly on to the boiler shell. Specifications : Control valve : The V control valve has many different inserts for precision throttling control. The inserts are pinnedto the END CAPS, and are used in conjunction with any of our standard seats. They are designed tochange the flow characteristics of the valve and are offered in different shapes to meet a variety ofmodulating application. For very low Cv applications, a specially designed â€Å"Soft† V insert incorporateboth the flow element and the ball seal into one component, and maintains continuous contact with theball. This arrangement provides excellent low end accuracy (EQ%) and repeatability. Automatic Water Level Modulating Control System: Operating Principle: Transmitter: Detect the water levels in the drum and send signal to the digital controller. Digital controller With the signal given by the Transmitter and the controller will show the level on the meter (Process value) and it requite a Set Value to control the level. The signal converted and it sends to control valve to give an indication. Control Valve The control valve work depend on the signal given by controller and after done the job it send a feed back signal to controller for confirmation. The valve open is depending on supply air with the signal given by controller and the Positioner then adjustment opening of valve will be make. OTHER: The MC9200 Series Cooling Tower Controller is a microprocessor based controller of recirculating cooling water systems. The MC9200 accurately controls the level of dissolved solids based on  µS/cm, and depending on model selection, control conductivity and pH. The cooling tower controllers feature: One user selectable chemical feed timer and up to two 28-day event timers Lockable viewing window Two point calibration Dry contact water meter input capability Alarm powered dry contact relays Optional 4-20mA output capability Alarm LED, relay or optional callback status 216 alphanumeric display Convenient keypad menu access, display contrast adjustment and HOA access control Self charging capacitor to maintain time and history for up to two weeks in the event of a power loss to controller Relay, general alarm, flow alarm and power status LEDs DIN connections for conductivity sensor and I/O Prewired incoming power and relay output connections on specified models (receptacle cords) Modular flow assembly with flow switch, quick release sensors and sample port mounted on the polyethylene panel Optional remote communications capability via direct serial line or modem connection Features: 1 Chemical Feed Timer Two Point Calibration DIN connections for I/O Full 24 months warranty Ph Control Made Easy: The CHEMTROL 240 is a microprocessor-based digital controller designed to maintain the pH level in water treatment applications. Standard Features:- All Functions on Front Panel Adjustable Setpoint Adjustable Alarms Proportional Feed Overfeed Safety Timer Waterproof Cabinet Easy to install Simple to use 5-year Electronics Warranty Toll-Free Technical Support The bright LCD display shows pH readings, calibration adjustments and alarm limits. The five LED lights indicate the operating mode (OFF, Manual or Auto), feed status, out-of-range alarms and overfeed alarms. The front panel controls include setpoint, calibration, low and high alarm limits, safety timer limit and proportional feed adjustment. Feed control is either ON/OFF or Proportional. The Proportional Feed feature is particularly useful to avoid overfeeding in small bodies of water. It reduces the feed cycle time progressively as the sensor reading gets closer to the setpoint. General The controller shall provide microprocessor based control of recirculating cooling water systems. Accurately control the level of dissolved solids based on ïÆ' ¬S/cm, and depending on model selection,control conductivity and pH. Controller shall also provide: One user selectable chemical feed timer and up to two 28-day event timers. a. Lockable viewing window. b. Two point calibration. c. Dry contact water meter input capability. d. Alarm powered and dry contact relays. e. Optional 4-20mA output capability. f. Alarm LED, relay and optional remote callback status. g. 2 x 16 alphanumeric display. h. Convenient keypad menu access, display contrast 2. Adjustment and HOA relay control. a. Self charging capacitor to maintain time and history for 3. Up to two weeks in the event of a power loss to controller. a. Relay, general alarm, flow alarm and power status LEDs. b. DIN connections for conductivity sensor and I/O. c. Prewired incoming power and relay output connections 4. On specified models (receptacle cords). a. Modular flow assembly with flow switch, quick release 5. Sensors and sample port mounted on a polyethylene panel. a. Optional remote communications capability via direct 6. Serial line or modem connection. a. A full 24 months warranty. Control Functions All continuously monitored sensor input functions (conductivity, pH) will provide user definable set points for maintaining a specific value within the system. Each set point will have a user definable differential as the control band, programmable high and low alarm points and user defined limit timer for pH. Chemical Feed Timer The chemical feed timer shall be user selectable as any one of the following: Percent User will be able to select a percent ON time of a user defined cycle time. Limit Timer will run as controller bleeds until a user programmed limit time is met or the bleed is satisfied. Percent of Post-Bleed Timer will run for a user defined percentage of the bleed time after bleed is satisfied. Pulse Timer Timer initiated from dry contacting head water meter. User can define timer run time, water meter input and contact accumulation before timer initiation. Remote Communications: The controller shall have the optional capability of serial communications using PULSAworks software. The serial communications can occur either by direct RS232 port, or remotely via an optional internal modem. PULSAworks allows the user to access real-time system values and remotely change operating parameters. The user may download data history files and save files to disk. History files may be viewed and printed in table or graph form, the graph form can be user customized. The optional internal modem allows the controller to perform alarm call back for alarm condition notification to a pager or computer running. There are other various types of water level controllers in which some of them are as under: IC 8255. Digital Water Level Recorder The standard virtual make water level recorder consists of a weatherproof enclosure which contains the data logger, level sensor and power supply, and comes complete with a solar panel and data shuttle. The system is powered by rechargeable sealed maintenance free batteries with integral 12V/10W solar panel, which will easily keep the batteries charged throughout the year. Unattended recording of Water level with maximum and minimum level, Standard program and user-friendly software . Data retrieval by Data shuttle to your Computer, Suitable for mounting in a variety of locations, Memory range more than 8250 data sets extendable up to more than 16500. Digital Water Level Recorder (Pressure Type) This is a Micro controller based Automatic Water Level Recorder reflect state of the art in micro controller based instrumentation design. The Water Level sensor can be attached with this data logger for the collection of real time data automatically. The micro controller has its internal memory along with an additional 128K EEprom, a real time clock with an LCD (16 X 2) to display the instrument status. Piezo-resistive silicon strain gauge, bounded to 316 SS diaphragm, and integral cable contain a vent tube for Barometric pressure compensation. Comes with three ranges 10 meter, 35 meter 100 meter Ground Water Monitoring System: The new SEBA Data Logger type MDS Dipper-3(T3) is the consequential further development of the well proven MDS Dipper for continuous registration in ground and surface water, with special focus to the operation data security. A watch-dog-function, integrated in the MDS-DipperT3 supervises continuously the microprocessor activities and so it provides a high operation security. Undefined system conditions are recognized immediately and eliminated by the Watch-dog function. High accurate, robust ceramic pressure measuring cell for different measuring ranges (i.e. 1 bar, 2 bar, etc.) and Temperature sensor for 025 °C or 050 °C. The MDS Dipper-3(T3) is equipped with a Flash-memory (Flash-RAM). The acquired measuring data are stored in a ring memory organization. Due to the described double data storage, you have access to the complete measured data in the archive data backup, even in case of breakdown of the power supply Measuring system for the observation of groundwater measuring sites, pumping tests, construction areas, Surface water levels Made of stainless steel High data security due to additional flash-memory Watch-dog-function for high operation security Maintenance-free, battery life time >10 years, exchangeable battery Installation in tubes from 1† diameter Optional connection via Bluetooth at Extra Cost

Friday, September 20, 2019

Racism in the Movie, Crash :: Racism Crash Film Movie

All through time, the world has been racist and intolerant of people different from themselves. Countless millions have suffered due to the bigotry of people that couldn't understand change or differences among one another. There was a time when any soul that wasn't blue eyed and blonde haired in Germany, anyone with darker skin where immediately classed as inferior and not human. Even now, when you are not aware, racism is still a considerable problem. But sometimes it isn't one person being racist against another, but rather one person being racist against them self. The movie crash shows good examples of how racism against oneself, caused by fear and misunderstanding, is just as malevolent and evil as racism against another person. Fear is what makes people act racist. Farhad is one of many examples in the movie of a person who recognizes his own race an d paralyzes himself through his own fear. Farhad believes that since he is Persian he is immediately being persecuted against and cheated. He flips out at the gun shop when the owner was insulting him which just furthers his fear of Americans. After the events on 9/11, which are referenced a lot in the movie, Farhad thinks that anyone who is Middle Eastern isn't welcome in America. Even after the gun shop owner was rude; his shop was destroyed by racist people who hated him. It is this same fear of being cheated because of his race that makes him very untrusting to people he doesn't know. He calls a lock smith to come fix his door because it won't lock. He immediately thinks that Daniel is trying to cheat him and steal money from him just because of his past endeavors.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Environmental Tragedy of Coastal Erosion Essay -- Environment Ecol

The Environmental Tragedy of Coastal Erosion A very high percentage of the American population resides at or near one of the coasts. Preserving beaches is a very costly endeavor and there have been many debates over which way this country should go about doing so. On the east coast the current strategy is, â€Å"beach nourishment programs†, whereby sand is taken from available sources and put back onto the eroded beach (Michaels, 01). In 1999 the United States government spent about $150 million on beach nourishment programs, state and local governments along with those who own their own beach property spend even more on such projects (Michaels, 01). Recently, however, the amount reserved for these projects in the national budget has been decreasing. The problem with the beach nourishment programs is that they are very short term and too costly, resulting in beaches which are still being eroded and a what seems to many, as a waste of taxpayer dollars. So we have a high demand for beach use and a low will ing- ness to supply funds to preserve the same beach. The forces of man and nature have created a coastal erosion headache for millions of residents in the U.S. As is the case with many environmental problems, nature and man have combined forces to create a coastal erosion problem (Michaels, 01). Development along the coast line has contributed greatly to erosion and has done so in several different ways. Some property owners have totally demolished coastal dunes in an attempt to provide better views of the ocean for the properties they build, and along with that have also completely destroyed natural vegetation in order to construct jetties or other manmade devices to improve ocean access for the... ...rk, May 24, 1999. Vol. 246, issue 21, pp.55. Issacs, Lindsay. â€Å"Shoring up the nation’s coastline†. The American City & County. Pittsfield, September 2000. Vol. 115, issue 13, pp.56-61. Johnson, Dan. â€Å"Beaches vs. Buildings†. The Futurist. Washington, February 2000. Vol.34, issue 1, pp.8-9. Michaels, A. Patricia. â€Å"Beach Erosion†. Rinehart, R. James, Pompe, J. Jeffery. â€Å"Coastal development, environmental amenities, And market forces: An application of economic theory†. Southern Business Review. Statesboro, 2001. Vol.26, issue 2, pp.1-5. Ward, Christina. (Staff Writer) â€Å"Coastal Erosion Could Take 1500 Homes a Year, FEMA Says†. 2000. pp.1-5. Woodell, Gregory. Press Statement 2002.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Custom Essays: Fortinbras and the Good Life -- GCSE Coursework Shakesp

Fortinbras and the Good Life  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Hamlet lives only part of the good life. He dies. Laertes lives only part of the good life. He dies. Fortinbras lives the good life. He becomes the king. The ultimate fates of these three characters describe how close each of them come to the good life. Hamlet and Laertes are at the edge of two extremes, while Fortinbras is somewhere in between. In a sense, not living the good life causes the demise of both Hamlet and Laertes, physically as well as mentally. In contrast, living the good life allows Fortinbras to become the king of Denmark and live out the rest of his life in peace. These three characters play out three very different aspects the good life; only Fortinbras lives the good life. The good life is one of overcoming obstacles, being true to oneself, and combining reason with emotion. The ability to deal with extreme losses--and even losses that are not so extreme--is a necessary part of anyone's life. Life is never perfect; all humans must deal with that state of imperfection. Hamlet is totally incapable of dealing with the death of his father, a major setback in his life. His state of mourning, at the beginning of the play, is not intrinsically terrible, as all humans must mourn the deaths of loved ones at some point in time. However, when Hamlet takes this mourning to extreme depression, saying of his father, "'A was a man, take him for all and all, / I shall not look upon his like again" (1.2, 187-188), he is implicitly telling the audience that it is beyond his capacity to cope with his father's death. In this admission, he is denying the first component of the good life: working through the difficult times in life. In his efforts to make his coping easier, and fo... ...onstructs of society. Anything else would be uncivilized. Works Cited Erlich, Avi. 1977. Hamlet's Absent Father. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Fineman, Joel. 1980. 'Fratricide and Cuckoldry: Shakespeare's Doubles.' In Representing Shakespeare: New Psychoanalytic Essays, edited by Coppelia Kahn and Murray M. Schwarz. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Press, 70-109. Fleissner, Robert. 1982. ' "Sullied" Or "Solid": Hamlet's Flesh Once More.' Hamlet Studies 4:92-3. Fowler, Alastair. 1987. 'The Plays Within the Play of Hamlet.' In 'Fanned and Winnowed Opinions': Shakespearean Essays Presented to Harold Jenkins, edited by John W. Mahon and Thomas A. Pendleton. London and New York: Methuen. Freud, Sigmund. 1953-74. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works. 24 vols, trans. James Stachey. London: Hogarth.      

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An Analysis of Old Major’s Speech: Animal Farm Essay

Having served the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, George Orwell received direct experience with the lower-class of society. After joining the Republican forces in the Spanish Civil War he grew critical of the communists, and later he fought the communists in Spain, himself. This was the reason he wrote Animal Farm: to illustrate the dangers that communism, implemented in a harsh way, often led to. In this way, it could be classified as satire, i. e.on the corruption of the Russian revolution, not on communism itself. He wrote it as an anthropomorphic allegory, that is to say that the story of the Russian Revolution was written with the characters being animals rather than humans, and that it was not telling the story literally, rather it was figurative. In my opinion, this was done to engage the reader more fully and to bypass any stereotypes the reader may have about any one of the real-life characters. Out of these characters, Old Major of the Animal Farm represents Karl Marx who can be considered â€Å"the father of communist ideology† and of whom â€Å"Marxism† was named after. In the same way, Old Major was the â€Å"father of animalism† and he was the first one to articulate its ideas. Old Major’s name could be described as an aptonym; both the name he was exhibited with i. e. Willingdon Beauty and the name the animals knew him by i. e. Old Major. The Author uses the stereotype of â€Å"old, experienced and wise, hence highly regarded and respected†. His names represent these ideas: â€Å"Old† signifies age; â€Å"Major† signifies that he is respected due to his age; â€Å"Willingdon† may signify his leadership quality and â€Å"Beauty† signifies another reason he was highly regarded and respected. Due to his age, him being wise and his immense experience, both of which made him unique, the animals would naturally give him authority. He was a â€Å"prize middle white boar† i. e. unique in his appearance, but he was balanced with having â€Å"a wise and benevolent appearance†. This balance is the reason he engendered such respect that the animals would lose an hour of sleep to listen to his speech. Although his elderliness is being emphasised by him being â€Å"12 years old†, the author goes on to say that â€Å"he was still a majestic looking pig, with a wise and benevolent appearance in spite of the fact that his tushes were never cut†. The fact that his tushes were never cut yet there was still a majestic look on him, indicates that he was unique and his appearance was true, not artificial. During Old Major’s speech, he was not only a person of honour, but he is placed in a position of honour. He places himself on â€Å"a raised platform, under a lantern†, in a place of importance for the animals i.e. the barn, above the other animals, singling himself above the others and giving himself the authority he needed. In addition to this, he was there before any other animal, giving them the impression of promptness and strengthening their awareness of the graveness of the topic he was about to speak about. He took all these measures in order that he would have as much authority in the eyes of the other animals, as it would take so that it would make it impossible for the others to oppose him during the speech. It was night time: the animals were exhausted from their work and this was intensified by the fact that they were missing sleep. The threats of Mr Jones had disappeared and it was the ideal time for the animals to reflect on the reasons for their misery. Old Major had chosen the best time. The fact that they were tired may have made it even more likely for them to submit to Old Major’s view on their lives and his solutions to their problems. It would be natural for them to accept his conclusions given the circumstances they were in and the authority he had. Old Major waited till the animals were all present and silent. This also alludes to the importance of the topic he was going to talk about since it was his intention for all the animals to know about it and to give it their ultimate commitment. This was the importance of the occasion. One of the main components of his speech was the dream he claimed he had. In the eyes of the animals, Old Major, due to his high standing amongst them, was totally trustworthy and truthful. Hence the fact that he claimed he had learnt a song that was sung by the ancient animals, and which had been long forgotten, a song which appealed to their innermost cores, linked him up with superior powers in the eyes of the animals. In this manner, the dream led the animals to putting all their trust in Old Major’s ideas, since he was, in their eyes, impossible to be contradicted. With this in mind, the animals naturally fell â€Å"into the wildest excitement† upon Old Major’s recitation of the song. It threw hope into their hearts for change, made them wishful of the future and inspired them to work for the rebellion. It was also Old Major’s experience which made his dream impossible to contradict: he was unique amongst them due to his vast experience, something which no other animal on the farm could compete with, and it was based on this that he made his predictions of the future. A feature of the speech, which was arguably one of the most effective in terms of persuasion of the animals, was Old Major’s use of inclusive language i. e. language which included and united the audience i. e. the animals. He uses this technique throughout the speech, but the effect is emphasised in the 5th and 6th paragraphs. In the 5th paragraph, after mentioning the enemy, man, he justifies his conclusion about them citing the fact that man is incapable of doing the work animals do. Old Major declares about man, â€Å"he does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch the rabbits†. By mentioning this, he is not only illustrating the superiority of animal over man, but he is also engaging the animals in making them proud of what they do as opposed to men. Old Major does not confine himself to speaking (generally), rather he chooses to speak directly to each animal, capturing their fullest engagement with rhetorical questions on subjects of utmost concern for them. He emphasises the corruption of man with regards to these matters. This ultimately leads to the animals anger and outrage at the humans, further uniting them against man. He says, â€Å"You cows†¦ how many thousands of gallon of milk have you given during the last year? And what has happened to that milk which should have been breeding up sturdy calves? Every drop of it has gone down the throats of our enemies†. He repeats this with regards to the hens, † And you hens, how many eggs have you laid this year, and how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens? â€Å". He even singles out Clover reminding her of the fate of her foals who were all sold. He emphasises his uniqueness in that he was allowed to reach his age, he uses himself as the ideal model and describes his life as â€Å"the natural life of a pig†. He highlights the fate of the porkers, saying â€Å"you will scream your lives at the block within a year†. He mentions Boxer, who was described earlier on in the text as â€Å"as strong as any two ordinary horses put together†, and describes his ultimate fate to be with the knackers who will kill him for the fox-hounds. As I have illustrated, Old Major combines inclusive language, rhetorical questions on issues of utmost concern for the audience, such as the horrors Mr Jones had prepared for their death.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Application Essay

With a solid international experience and background in Accounting and Finance, I am eager to pursue these two interests throughout my future career.Choosing an educational institution, I also kept my career plans in mind. I am applying for a transfer to New York University, since a world-class school located in the most vibrant economic capital of the world will undoubtedly help me to maximize my contribution to the Accounting profession and open up new career possibilities.Besides, at the moment when I was standing on top of the Empire State Building, I decided that I am eager to study and work in the wonderful city of New York.The main reason is definitely my belief in superior quality of Stern Business School’s educational program as compared to most other universities.Knowledge is more important than ever before in our information-driven age, and in my deepest conviction, Stern will provide me with more profound courses that will expand the knowledge from the basic course s for Accounting Major completed in my community college. Eager to complement my major with Finance classes, I anticipate finding excellent opportunities at Stern that ranks as one of the top US business schools forFinance curriculum. I have ascertained that I can be successful in this area after my expertise was confirmed by the victory in two stock investment contests in Korea and I obtained experience managing a private asset management company together with my colleagues.These successes prompted me to switch from Engineering and IT to Accounting. With A’s in all accounting classes at my community college, I believe the time has come to move onwards and to take my knowledge of Accounting and Finance to a new level that will enable me to leverage my experience and inborn abilities.The international focus of Stern is, from my perspective, another important advantage of the school. Looking on my experience in China where I worked at my father’s international trade busi ness for two years, I still feel the positive effects of this work that helped me improve my knowledge of the Chinese language, as well as receive hands-on experience in trading and enhance my intercultural competence.The diversity of Stern’s student community is a great asset since it will help me expand the boundaries of my cross-cultural competence and start friendships with people from all over the world. Drawing on my experience of working as a Korean language teacher and participating in the International College Students Association’s cultural exchanges in my community college, I hope to make my contribution to diversity on NYU campus.I also recognize that, given the vital importance of networking in today’s competitive business environment, studying at Stern can help propel my career through acquaintance with professionals likely to obtain positions in the leading international companies.This global focus of the school will give me a competitive advantag e in achieving my final goal, the position of a CFO in a renowned multinational company. Combined with my knowledge of Chinese, Korean and English, a degree obtained at NYU will maximize my choices for a successful career start.Access to the hub of the global economy is another important criterion for my choice. I feel that to learn the most about the US economy, I have to get to the center of business located in Manhattan. Using this opportunity, I can help make contacts with those who are at the forefront of what is happening in the US business community.Located in the middle of the global economy, NYU will give me an excellent chance to search for a job in a top-ranked accounting form after graduation. During studies at NYU, there will surely be plenty of opportunities to increase my prospects of employment through a range of internships and broaden my work experience that is often a decisive factor in accounting careers.I am positive that Stern Business School will be an importa nt step toward the realization of my ambitious career aspirations. With outstanding faculty, exemplary curriculum, world-wide reputation and international focus, Stern is the ideal match for my future plans.A degree obtained from NYU will become the next building block of my professional career, taking me further in the exciting pursuit of knowledge about the business world. I strongly believe that years from now, I will be looking at this pivotal point in my life, remembering with gratitude my student years at Stern, full of intriguing discoveries, intense preparation for future work and friendships with outstanding individuals from the whole world. Application Essay The reasons for including social sciences in my life long career originated at high school when I showed a deep interest and enthusiasm in studying of government, basics of law and psychology.  Ã‚   Since that time I’ve realized that my professional life would be connected with work on government agencies with focus on social relations.My deep interest in law and psychology as well as my critical and logical thinking abilities have been doing me a great favor in my professional life which is associated with two different spheres of professional activity: finance and psychology.After graduation from college in 1998 with a Degree in Psychology I have been working part time as a counselor for mentally challenged people in group homes and also had a job of accountant and tax consultant in consulting company.   This versatile professional experience gave me a great and invaluable practice of working with people and studying psychological issues as well as it gave me a great cha nce for further improvement of knowledge in the field of human behavior and nature of human relations.On the other hand the work in finance sphere gave me an opportunity to develop and improve my critical evaluation and conclusion skills and gave opportunities for essential independent thinking and independent work practice that is one of integral components of my future career goals.  Ã‚   My rich and deep knowledge of human nature and behavior and my long interest in studying law prompted me to think about continuation of my education and pursuing of Criminal Justice Master degree, which is caused by my career plans to work for FBI or federal Patrol.A solid background in psychology on the hand with my critical and analytical reasoning skills will serve as a strong basis for studying law and criminology. That’s why John Jay School of criminal justice, that has excellent criminology programs, will pave the way for further professional growth and excellence.  

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Coal Industry in India Essay

The coal industry in India witnessed its inception in 1774. However, it took almost a century for this industry to rise above its infancy and proclaim its actual arrival around the second half of the 19th century. What followed was the story of remarkable growth albeit with its share of ups and downs down the line. The flipside of this account of prosperity has not, however, escaped the scrutiny of historians. The oppressive attitudes of the coal-producing lobby and the miners’ miserable conditions have time and again found their place in prevalent labour historiography. Intriguing themes, for instance, production relations, migration of labour, manipulation around the recruitment of labour, workers’ resistance movements and debates around women and child labour have further enriched the discourse. This project aims to add a new dimension to this ongoing debate. The prime objective of this study is to unearth the history of hygiene issues at workplaces in the coalfields of Raniganj and Jharia districts in eastern India and of hygiene in their adjacent regions in eastern India, 1901 and 1973. The expansion of the industry was not without its adverse effects on human as well as natural resources. This project thus, has as its focus the health of the miner as well as the health of the mineral, i.e. coal, with its attendant thrusts on industrial hygiene and mine technology. Going beyond the colonial time-frame, this study also attempts an investigation into miners’ working and living standards in the first quarter of postindependent India. Moreover, a parallel will be drawn between miners’ living conditions at collieries of eastern India and those of Natal in South Africa. It will be interesting to look into two diverse pictures in these different colonial settlements. As far as labour legislation and methods of mining are concerned, a comparative study with Britain is on the cards. The first research question that this study aims to address is the health of the miners. Engaged in hazardous underground mining activities, the miners were exposed to serious and fatal accidents. The collapse of roofs and the sides was the most common form of accidents. Next in importance were accidents in haulage routes and shafts as well as explosions. The pertinent question is what played the pivotal part in those cases of accidents: was it the miners’ lack of mining knowledge, was it the subordinate officials’ paucity of proper supervision or was it the lack of adequate attention of the mine-owners and mine-managers to the workers’ safety concerns? In his report of 1912, the Chief Inspector of Mines coined categories of accidents for example those due to misadventure, due to the fault of the deceased, due to the fault of the fellow workmen and due to the fault of the subordinate officials (sirdars). The newly-formed categories singled out â€Å"managerial fault† as a distinct category which consisted of accidents fewer in number in relation to others. The intention was clear. It was to hold the miner primarily responsible for his misfortunes. But the colliery owners and managers hardly provided them with the proper training in the mining principles. It was only in 1909 that a book on mining practices was proposed to be brought out in Bengali. This is not to forget that a large chunk of miners used to migrate from regions outside Bengal like the Central Provinces. The principal reason for ascribing responsibility to the miners was to not have to pay compensation in case of permanent disablement or death. The case was just the reverse in Britain. The scope of the Workmen’s Compensation Act of 1923 was broadened for the Indian coal miners only after independence. True, some of these accidents pointed to the responsibility of the miners like in cases of pillar-robbing or drinking while working, but even when managerial fault was indicated, the penalty was minimal. The management even failed on a number of occasions to report cases of serious and fatal accidents without delay. Besides, any attempt at protective labour legislation in the coal industry was hampered by fierce opposition from the coalproducing lobby consisting of both Europeans and Indians. Issues related to the regulation of involvement of women and children underground, maternity leave, restriction on hours of work etc. found stern protesters in the colliery-owners. The government was hardly in a position to frustrate the claims of their close collaborators. This story of the colonial government-capitalist class nexus will help us go beyond the traditional nationalist versus imperialist historiographical framework and highlight the complexities of the issues involved in the question of governmental legislation to ensure higher safety conditions in mines. Increasing number of accidents in Indian collieries was often ascribed to the prevalent methods of mining which were often termed as â€Å"faulty†. This brings us to the next crucial question i.e. the health of the mineral. The usual mining method that was followed in Indian coal mines was the bord and pillar system. Coal was cut into pillars but the co-existence of small pillars and large galleries augmented the risk of collapse as well as that of loss of significant amount of coal. We can draw a parallel with the standard method of mining in Britain which was called the panel system. I t was a system where isolation of workings was possible. Every outlet was hermetically sealed that left solid ribs of coal of varying thickness between panels which used to be cut into pillars and immediately extracted. This method was often recommended for the Indian situation. The relevant question in this context is the supposed shortcomings of the bord and pillar system. Was the panel system practicable in Indian conditions? Furthermore, Miners were often accused of improper ways in which they handled the cutting and extracting of coal. Here again the question of their lack of access to any kind of training becomes vital. Moreover, the never-ending demand for higher productivity often forced the workers to work in the abandoned part of mines, a practice that had its inevitable effects on both the health of the miners and that of the mineral. What was more surprising was most of the coal mines in Raniganj and Jharia were run without any proper plans of the mines. Frequently, both seams were worked simultaneously with the working of the one being above the working of the other. This caused the workings to be unstable resulting in loss of a huge quantity of coal. The practice of lease was such that the demarcation line between two neighbouring collieries often turned out to be indistinct. It was noticed that instead of leaving barriers untouched as intended, the work was continued up to or even over the boundary. A thin barrier was dangerous for it was liable to suddenly give way under water pressure. The question of exhaustion of coal and the need for its conservation leads us to the next important research problem i.e. the evolution of mine technology. Sand-stowing is one such safeguard that ensures safety in workplace as well as conservation of coal. The institution of the Coal Mines Stowing Board and the subsequent Coal Mines Safety (Stowing) Act of 1939 was, however, intended to guarantee only protection against accidents at mines. It was only after independence that adequate attention was paid to conservation of coal with the Coal Mines (Conservation and Safety) Act of 1952. The Coal Mines Stowing Board was replaced by the Coal Board in 1951 in an attempt to function more effectively during the period under review. On the other hand, the persistent problem with the safety management at Indian collieries was that none of the appliances, tools and materials required for combating fire, gas, or water in collieries was kept at any of the mines in the Raniganj and Jharia coal fields. A number of large collieries adopted safety lamps in place of naked lights to avoid the danger of explosion but they were not regularly examined before being taken into the workings. Mine owners or managers often failed to post notices specifying limit s of timber withdrawal for each seam or district of a seam or the maximum intervening distances between props or other roof supports at the working places. Even for winding purpose, makeshift appliances like haulage ropes were used in place of winding ropes on a number of occasions, thus inviting unfortunate consequences. The mine authority, nonetheless, had the miners to blame for their technological deficiencies. Even the Chief Inspector of Mines had some interesting and often contradictory remarks to make regarding the use of machinery by Indian miners. On the one hand he thought that the cheapness of Indian labour prevented use of machines while on the other he found comfort in the saying that, â€Å"Handling a miner’s tool was more of a matter of skill than was generally supposed†¦.and the Indian coal miner was clumsy with his weapons; but when doing work to which he and his forefathers had been accustomed [e.g. loading or carrying material] he was capable of showing good results.† But the fact that the Indian miner could be induced to abandon the tools of his forefathers was seen is most Indian collieries where English shovels were commonly used, and where the pointed crow bar was replaced by double pointed picks. Hence the question of availability of mine and safety technology, and more importantly, that of the proper application of technologies in possession turns out to be the critical imperatives. Even attempts at introduction of new technology often drew severe flak from various quarters. Coal commissioners were suggesting the extension of the boiler act to colliery districts. The steam boilers which were in use in collieries required the fitting of a second safety valve to all boilers, second one preferably to be of the lock-up type. The Indian Mining Association took up the matter and protested strongly against any such intervention. They were of the opinion that the danger of accident had been sufficiently minimized without the precaution. Furthermore, mere introduction of certain apparatus was not enough e.g. Jeffrey Company’s electric coal-cutter was introduced at some collieries. But it was not successful on account of difficulty of repair and removal of the machine. Moreover, mechanical coal cutters were more suited to Longwall method as in Britain than to the bord and pillar system that was adopted in Bengal. However, introduction of machinery like Welsh ovens for coking purposes in the Giridih coal field was hugely successful although the usual practice elsewhere was predominantly open ovens. Thus the issues involved in the adoption of mining technology is required to be studied in close association with the safety of the miner and the conservation of the mineral in order to get an overall picture of the question of industrial hygiene in the Raniganj and Jharia coal-fields. A study of occupational hazards is incomplete without an investigation into occupational diseases (for instance; Pneumoconiosis, ankylostomiasis, lungs’ diseases etc.) and diseases that affected the workers’ habitation. Our understanding of the question would be furthered by exploring the disease management policy of the mining authorities. Workers’ huts or â€Å"dhowrah† were not initially part of the colliery districts but later on became integral division of the districts. As far as workers’ housing arrangements were concerned, the official version of the â€Å"comfortable† brick hut was constantly clashing with the workers’ version of the â€Å"squalid† mud hut. The miners’ perception of hygiene and sanitation formed the principal subject matter of the official critique. True, the miners fell short on the counts of their health and hygiene standards, but the real problem lies with the alternative settlement that the nexus of colonial government and mine authorities provided. The one room tenement with common latrine facilities did not turn out to be a more hygienic alternative to the previous mud hut. Here, we can draw a parallel between the colli eries of Bengal and those of Natal in South Africa. A large number of Indian miners started migrating to Natal around the first decade of the 20th century because of better working and living conditions there. The question of health and hygiene standards of the adjacent colliery districts is worth exploring, too. Outbreak of diseases in the neighbourhood had its decisive effect on the workplace hygiene. A mere rumour of outbreak of Cholera in the vicinity used to result in widespread desertion of collieries and its surroundings by the miners, thus having disastrous effects on the production process. Hence, a detailed study on the connections between colliery hygiene of the areas under study and that of the wider region becomes essential. This connection was all the more evident in the post-independence period. The civil hospital of Dhanbad had a number of seats reserved for the colliers of Jharia mines. The mines used also to gain a great deal from the water supply scheme in the neighbourhood or for the purpose of supply of electricity. Systems of water supply, sewerage systems, sanitary measures, and disease policies in the adjacent areas undoubtedly had their impact on workplaces and the other way round. Furthermore, coal mining and its impact on the wider environment induced the government to formulate public health measures in tune with the necessities of the coal mining industry as well as with the requirements of the adjoining regions. These two linked and often conflicting aspects will be explored through the story of dilemmas, preferences, strategies and decision-making at the government level. Particular attention to the functioning and implementation of various safety measures at collieries in post-colonia l India forms the conclusive part of this project. Was the working and living conditions of the coal mine workers improved in any way in the immediate post-independence period? What was the status of labour legislation in relation to workers’ health and safety concerns? Apparently the colliers were better placed with the growing effectiveness of the Workmen’s Compensation Act. Women miners gained significantly from regular functioning of the Mines Maternity Benefit Act of 1941. Jharia and Raniganj Mines Boards of Health looked in better shape in postindependence years. Particular attention must be paid to the activities of the Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund. Establishment and proper functioning of central and regional hospitals of Jharia and Raniganj were regulated under the auspices of this fund. Dispensary services like the one at Bhuli in Jharia improved a lot as well. We can also come across instances like spraying operations to prevent Malaria or B.C.G. vaccination to combat Tuberculosis or the setting up of the mo bile laboratory teams in the Jharia and Raniganj coalfields which point to improvement in the condition of health and hygiene in colliery districts. Working of the Coal Mines Pithead Bath Rules, 1946 and of the Mines Creche Rules, 1946 must be mentioned. Especially, provision of crà ¨ches demands particular attention in relation to women labour. They had a place for their children to be taken care of while they were busy working. Despite such favourable proceedings, miners’ wretchedness was far from being reduced. A remarkable increase in opencast mining with its associated dangers furthered the misery of the miners. Added to this were dissatisfactory mining conditions e.g. slaughter mining, violation of mine safety laws etc. The result was nationalization of Coking coal mines in 1972 and that of non-coking coal mines in 1973. Health and hygiene related themes in Indian coal mines during the colonial and postcolonial period have not found a substantial space in existing scholarship. The only work that stands out is an article by Colin Simmons (1976) where he devotes himself to the study of coal mines accidents, workplace safety and labour legislation. His other works are also of seminal importance particularly for the understanding of the nature of the labour force and ownership of colliery land. As to issues relating to practices of landleases and tenancy rights, the work of Dietmar Rothermund (year) is intriguing indeed. Rakhi Raychowdhury (1996), in her work on the women labour of eastern Indian coal mines, has a chapter devoted to matters concerning work schedule, rest and leave and accidents. While Dilip Simeon’s principal focus was production relations (1997) and labour movement (1999) in Jharia coalfields, he gave some attention to the safety concerns of Indian collieries. (1999). He even addressed the post-colonial situation. But a detailed study on industrial hygiene in relation to coalfields awaits scholarly attention. In the process of tracing the growth of coal industry in India, A.B. Ghosh(1977) referred to lists of accidents in coal mines and also to some examples of technological evolution but he made no attempt to derive a connection between accidents, safety issues and introduction of technology which this project intends to address. Deepika Basu’s (1993) occasional mention of health issues in coal and other mines is meant to broaden the understanding of the growth of the working class in India. Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt’s (2001) concern over water problems, sewerage systems etc. gives us a fair idea about the gradual process of urbanization in the Raniganj coalfields. She has also established a relation between growing mechanization of coal industry and decreasing importance of women labour. But the connection between mechanization and safety issues remains to be explored. It is a principal aim of this proposed project to analyze the same issues in the light of the themes of health and hygiene. In her case study on Kolar gold mines, Janaki Nair (1998) writes extensively on accident related issues in the work place and the process of sanitation outside the workplace, mainly in the workers residence. Nair, however, views these themes within the Foucauldian paradigm of â€Å"surveillance and resistance†. Anti-plague measures or sanitizing efforts of the mining authorities was, according to Nair, an intrusion into the private life of the mine workers. She saw in the sanitary zeal of the persons concerned an extension of the â€Å"barrack like discipline† (even though mines cannot be considered barrack like structures) of the workplace to the territory beyond. This project will attempt to move beyond such stereotypical formulations and instead attempt in-depth analyses of the questions raised that will be based on solid empirical research informed by an awareness of the theoretical issues involved. The work has been conceptualized in a manner that it will pull toge ther issues that have been dealt with in discrete, scattered contexts. As far as historical works on Indian public health system are concerned, we are familiar with a significant body of literature about public health systems of major cities like that of Calcutta (Kabita Ray, 1998), and of Bombay (Mridula Ramanna, 2002). A discussion on public health systems of industrially-rich regions is supposed to be first of its kind. Mark Harrison (1994) pioneered a comprehensive account of the system of public health in India starting from disease management in military garrisons to vaccination policies, preventive measures against plague in wider regions. The mining sector however has not featured in his work. Industrial hygiene and in this case, health and hygiene issues in collieries and in their adjoining regions is an unexplored arena. The proposed research aims to combine specifically two kinds of historiography within the span of its methodology. One is the historical literature on mines and the other is the historical accounts of science, medicine, techn ology, and of public health systems in India. While works on mines have overlooked aspects of hygiene and technology, the history of science, medicine and technology has yet to incorporate the industrial sector or industrial hygiene within its orbit. This endeavour, therefore, proposes to fill in the void in the existing historical literature by combining elements of both these fields of research. On another level, this discussion on industrial health and hygiene will seek to include within the scope of its analysis the role of extra-economic factors in the understanding of the working classes in India. Last but not least, a comparison with the coal mines of Britain and South Africa follows from the logic of the analysis of the factors affecting the Indian collieries which I have discussed before. In its attempt at juxtaposing global phenomena, this venture treads the path shown by Peter Alexander (2004). This research thus seeks to situate the post-colonial situation of eastern Indian coalfields within the global context. Such a work is also of relevance to current global concerns that seek to foreground the question of safeguarding the environment in the context of the global-capitalist hunt to maximize profits from commercial ventures. Primary Sources The Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1947/ Act No. 32 of 1947.Delhi. The Coal Mines Safety (Stowing) Rules. Delhi, 1939. East India Railway: the Coalfields of Bengal and Chota Nagpur Served by the East India Railway. Calcutta, 1926. First Report of the committee appointed to investigate the dangers arising from coal-dust in Indian Mines. Govt. of India, Department of Industries and Labour. Calcutta: 1924. (Simpson Committee). Indian Mines Act. By W.H.Pickerink and W.Graham, 1907. Papers Regarding Legislation for the Regulation and Sanitation of Mines in India. Govt. of India: Department of Revenue and Agriculture. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Govt. Printing, 1896. Report of the Chief Inspector of Mines in India under the India Mines Act, VIII of 1901. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Govt. Printing, (1901 onwards). Report o the Coalfield Committee. Calcutta: Govt. Printing, 1920. Report of the Coal Mining Committee. Delhi: Manager of Publicat ions, 1937. Report of the Indian Coal Committee, 1925. Reports on the Production and Consumption of Coal in India. Report on the Inspection of Mines in India. Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Govt. Printing, (1894-1900). 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