Friday, August 23, 2019

Contributions of Satirical Graphic Novels to the quality of Primary Essay

Contributions of Satirical Graphic Novels to the quality of Primary Education in the US - Essay Example This prompts the use of learning and teaching materials that are easy to understand given that these children can easily be distracted. One such example of educating material that makes up the content of primary school education is the use of satirical graphic novels that use wit and irony to bring out the real nature of a topic. Satirical graphic novels, among other graphic novels, have an aspect of encouraging the reader to keep on reading so as to grasp the intended meaning. However, not all agree to the use of these novels in educating children and think that they might have negative impacts on their leaning. This paper examines the various ways through which satirical graphic novels contribute positively to the quality of primary education in the US. The use of satirical graphic novels in primary education tremendously contributes to the understanding capacity of the children. Before looking at the ways in which satirical graphic novels contribute to the quality of primary education, we should first look at how they came into use in the education system. Historically, the use of satirical graphic novels in primary education has been a controversial issue with some people trying to contraindicate their advantages. Satirical graphic novels came to being through writers who wanted to use them to address some topics in education, especially primary education. Will Eisner produced the first satirical graphic novel in 1978, titled â€Å"Contract with God and Other Tenement Stories† (Schwartz 197). This novel represented the first graphic novel to be extensively used in primary education after discovery of the values of its use. It became widespread in primary schools, in the U.S. Satirical graphic novels have continued to gain p opularity in the past 25 years, in their use, in the primary educational system. These novels can be used in the teaching of all subjects through the incorporation of the desired information into graphics mode. This incorporation of satirical graphic novels into primary education in the United States over the years has led to disregarding of the mode by some researchers that deem it as destructive to education (Brown 65). However, the educational system came up with different levels according to the age difference and the developmental requirements of children so as to incorporate the use of graphic novels. The difference in age also represents the differences in level of understanding. As such, there is a proposition that the younger populations comprehend better in easy words and pictures, thus encouraging the use of graphic novels (Schwartz 197). On the contrary, there are a few individuals, who insist that these satirical graphic novels have made primary school children less att racted and conversant with pure reading of scripts and books. As a result of this, they advise and advocate their removal from the education system in the United States’ primary educational system. However, in this paper, I will base my focus on outlining the various ways that satirical graphic novels positively contribute to the quality of primary education. In contrast with some previous researcher’s views of the damaging effects of satirical graphic novels in primary education, there are many ways through which satirical graphic novels have values in primary education. This paper hopes to highlight the use and contribution of satirical graphic novels to primary education in the United States today. In doing so, it discusses the various aspects within satirical graphic novels that can be applied to children’s learning in primary education, as well as the various subjects in which they apply to and

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